Friday, 30 August 2013

Early Detection of Viral Worms - Defect Prediction Techniques

Meera Krishnan
Cards Practice Lead and
Vice President (Delivery Services)
Thinksoft Global Services

A seasoned doctor could diagnose a patient by relying on some observations and a few questions. Only relevant laboratory tests may be required to confirm the diagnosis and not all the tests available in the list published by the lab. Could the same be said of ‘Software Testers?’ Yes, experienced testers could identify defect prone areas by gathering a few vital inputs, without having to visit the entire application. Intuition born out of in-depth domain knowledge and considerable experience with the relevant application makes this possible.

Is there anything to be gained by identifying defect prone areas in advance? Yes, it saves time in cutting through the chaff to the heart of sensitive areas. This becomes critical when testing timelines are to be crunched, as is invariably the case!

Testing is never enough and it is difficult to draw a line on when and where to end such processes. They become significant when schedules are crunched due to several factors, such as :

• Late delivery of the system
• Phased delivery of code
• Lack of readiness of the environment/interfaces
• Data migration issues

In the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), when it is crunch time, the ‘Testing’ phase is what absorbs the delays caused by other phases. But then again, ‘Testing’ is the last chance to uncover any defects or shortcomings in the system.

The challenge is to use the crunched window efficiently and effectively. Towards this, are there ways to ensure that the most critical areas are tested adequately in the shortest possible time after due prioritization? Is there a scientific way or is it to be purely intuitive?

The ‘Pareto Principle’ could be the answer.

‘Doing more with less’ and contrasting the ‘Vital Few against the Trivial Many'

Pareto says that if 20% of efforts are directed to the right areas almost 80% of the results could be achieved. This finding is context independent. The question that remains is how to identify the right areas? Where are they to be found; in the beginning, end, middle or all jumbled up?

The art and science of zeroing in on the right areas is called the ‘Defect Prediction Technique’ aka ‘Risk Based Testing’ (RBT).

This helps arrive at an optimal coverage/framework to prioritize testing based on information relating to the business, past trends in performance of the application and the testing complexity.

‘Risk based testing’ (RBT), based on the above principle, speeds up the process of unearthing critical defects at a very early stage, thus providing enough time for rectification of the problem and re-testing the process. This ensures that all critical functionalities are adequately tested and the roll-out is devoid of any critical defects despite a compressed time schedule.

RBT is based on an optimally weighted combination of the Technical Perspective (TP) and the Business Perspectives (BP)

For example, in the credit card business, address printing in a card statement or intimation of change in credit limits may be a simple functionality and may not have a high score on technical complexity. However, as both are customer touch points, they carry a relatively high score on business criticality.

• Not receiving the monthly credit card statement is bad enough, but consider your receiving your boss’ statement and the boss coming to know about it. Though there is no financial loss, imagine the embarrassment and the reputational risk.

• Unlikely though, take the case of a customer’s credit limit being lowered without advance intimation. Imagine his embarrassment when his card is refused for having exceeded the lowered limit. Both examples have a low impact on the technical perspective (LTP) and a high impact on the business perspective (HBP).

When dealing with Treasury and Capital Markets, capturing of settlement instructions properly in respect of payments to be made through third-party banks, ‘settlement-Instructions’ setup, ‘limits management’ and Know your Customer (KYC) compliance are functionalities that are moderate on technical complexity but very high on business criticality.

• Imagine a situation where a customer’s current address is not updated as per KYC norms and a new checkbook meant for him does not reach him because it is mailed (not hand delivered henceforth as per current policy) to his earlier address. This is a case that is moderate on technical perspective (MTP) and high on business perspective (HBP)!

In the insurance business, an error in the premium calculation logic would have a low impact on the technical perspective (LTP), as it could be easily corrected retrospectively from a programming perspective. But it could have a high impact on the business perspective (HBP) if the error results in over-recoveries through inflated EMIs, however small they may be, from the insurer and if she/he comes to know about it years later.

There could be some functionalities that are critical from both perspectives such as General Ledger (GL) reconciliations, interest calculations, fee calculations, real time exposure monitoring, user privileges and handling the information handshake routine between the core application and interfaces like sending chip related embosser information to the card embosser. They carry the highest risk rating; HTP and HBP and would carry the highest priority in mitigating the risks.

In practice the gradations across TP and BP are not just three; low, medium and high, but could be much wider and finer, ranging from TP1 at the lower end to perhaps as high as TP15 at the higher end. It is the same case with the business perspective! The weightages given to the TP attributes could also be different from those given to BP attributes and could vary from application to application and across time, depending on changes in the regulatory environment and market conditions. Hence the need for informed decision making in the risk prioritization process should be backed by the collective wisdom gained through years of data-flow,pattern recognition experience and in-depth domain knowledge - which in turn translates into intuition.

The factors that determine the value of the above two parameters may vary, based on:
• Testing Complexity
• Risk disposition of the client
• Maturity of the product/application
• Level of customization
• Initial roll-out or Upgrade/Release
• Product release or client specific release
• Business/operational areas impacted
• Defect history of the areas to be tested

A sample list of factors used to arrive at the risk score are:

Probability of Failure:
• Changes in core application
• Interface related changes
• Testing complexity
• Past history of defects
Consequence of Failure:
• Loss of revenue and / or increase in operational costs
• Loss of reputation
• Customer Service breakdowns
• Legal or regulatory impact
• Impact on Go-live date

Theories are well known in the industry; however their application often leaves much to be desired. Some tips to increase the effectiveness:
1. The risk score of each module could determine the code-delivery schedule, so that the most critical module is delivered, tested and made ready on priority.
2. The amount of regression testing to be done can be determined by the risk rating.
3. The test execution plan can be drawn based on the RPM , so that high risk functionalities are tested first.
4. More importantly, if the progress of testing is reported based on the order of the risk scores of the functionalities, then it helps to determine the health of the application more than going merely by the volume of tests completed.

A diligent approach to risk based testing could bring up to 50% savings in time, money and effort. This is illustrated in the Case Study below. By executing only 53% of the planned test cases, 100% of Priority-1 defects and 95% of Priority - 2 defects were unearthed.

Case Study :

Comprehensive Vs RPM Based Testing

“You know more of a road by having traveled it than by all the conjectures and descriptions in the world”
-William Hazlitt

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